Sport Equity Funds


The sports department is very excited about these funds and have two mechanisms to help capture as many students who may require financial support.

We have implemented both external and internal mechanisms to help capture as many students in the hope that all students who wish to be involved in sport are supported appropriately.

Apollo Projects Sports Grant and TGC Sport Equity Fund.

Apollo Projects Sports Grant


Apollo Projects to support students to be able to participate in sport at all levels.

The funding goes to students who would otherwise miss out. There is a demonstrable need (e.g., disadvantaged circumstances) or financial barrier to participation in sport meaning the student might not participate

The individual shows positive interest, ability or potential in their sport.
Funding would assist in potentially providing a better long-term outcome for that student in sport and life.

Funding would be expected to cover direct payment of sports fees, sporting equipment, support services, travel to events etc.


How to apply for this grant.

Students would apply for the Apollo Projects Sports Grant via an online form which would be reviewed and approved by the Director of Sport and Sport Coordinator. A monthly report will be shown to the Principal.

A limit of $500 per student per annum is to be applied (we are open to bigger grants, however, grants over $500 would be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by Apollo Projects).

Application Form

Tauranga Girls' College Sport Equity Fund


Established by the Board of Trustees to address equity in sport, the Sports Equity Fund has a vision to see more students being able to participate in sport where previously they may not have due to financial constraints.

This links well with our College’s mission statement: ‘To create a safe, stimulating and exciting learning environment that allows each student to develop her academic, cultural and sporting potential.’

As well as the TGC Sports Vision: Thrive Grow Connect Succeed
Empowering wahine toa to thrive, grow, connect and succeed through sport and recreation.

The Sport Equity Budget aims to reduce the financial barrier of playing a sport and endeavours to cover some of the costs associated with your team/code. The amount of support will depend on the demand over summer and then winter codes/teams.


How do parents/whānau access this fund?
Click on the below application form.
All requests are treated in a confidential manner.

For more information click here

How do parents/whanau access this fund?

Tauranga Girls’ College would like to support families who are in need of financial assistance when selecting to play a sport for their daughter. The Sport Equity Budget allows you to access this support by:

  1. Emailing [email protected] (or send us a letter).
  2. In the email state the sport / team you would like financial support in and how much the subscription fee costs.
  3. Tell us your reason for requesting our financial support.

 The Sport Equity Budget aims to reduce the financial barrier of playing a sport and endeavours to cover some of the costs associated with your team/code. The amount of support will depend on the demand over summer and then winter codes/teams. Please email us if you need help. All requests are treated in a confidential manner.

How can businesses or individuals donate to this fund?

We are seeking financial support from those who are willing to support others. If you would like to contribute to this fund either personally or as a business this would be greatly appreciated. You can donate to a specific sports code or to general sport. All funds will sit in a different account to the sports departments general working accounts. You can either contact the Director of Sport Kaye Barnett [email protected] or make an online transfers to:

  • Tauranga Girls College
  • Bank Account #: 12-3194-0032601-00
  • Particulars: your name (optional)
  • Code: The sport you wish to donate to or the word general eg Touch or General
  • Reference: Equity Fund

How do TGC whanau contribute to this fund at the same time as paying their
daughter’s sport fee?

If parents would like to contribute to this fund by donating an additional amount over and above your young persons sporting fee this is possible and greatly appreciated. We just ask that you reference this payment slightly differently so our financial assistant knows what the extra money is for.

  • Tauranga Girls College
  • Bank Account #: 12-3194-0032601-00
  • Particulars: Student's Name
  • Code: The sport you wish to donate to or the word general eg Touch or General
  • Reference: E(sport fee you're paying) eg EBball or ENetball

This money will then be placed in the Sports Equity Budget for families to access.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the Director of Sport - Kaye Barnett [email protected]

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact

Kaye Barnett (Director of Sport)
[email protected]