2025 Term Dates



TERM 1  -

Monday 3 February - Year 13, Year 12, and Year 11 - by appointment the Deans are available for course confirmation if required.
Tuesday 4 February - Year 13 and Year 9 and all new students to TGC for Pōhiri at 9am.
Wednesday 5 February - Year 9
Thursday 6 February - Waitangi Day,  SCHOOL CLOSED
Friday 7 February - SCHOOL CLOSED
Monday 10 February - All year levels to attend


TERM 2 - Monday 28 April to Friday 27 June

TERM 3 -  Monday 14 July to Friday 19 September

TERM 4 - Monday 6 October to Friday 12 December

Term Dates.png

Phone Free Kura from 2024

 Copy of Phone Free Kura (Facebook Cover).png


Phones are not a learning device. 

No phones are to be visible or in use, what does this mean:


From the first bell of the day to 3:15 pm

 WHERE ALL classes, interval, lunchtime, whānau time, bathrooms, between classes, and other school buildings e.g gymnasium, hall  

Confiscation for the day - parent/caregiver informed, returned at 3:16 pm

 Subsequent infringements could result in a parent/caregiver having to collect the phone from school


Medical or other relevant evidence as approved by the school

Staff are expected to carry their phones whilst on duty

2025 Stationery Lists


OPEN .pdf
Open .pdf: click here
Open .pdf: click here
Open .pdf: click here


TGC Timetable


  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Staff Brief 8.20am    


Whānau Time 8.40am       8.40am
Period 1 9.00am 8.40am  9.00am 9.00am 9.00am 
Period 2 10.00am 9.40am 10.00am 10.00am 10.00am 
Interval 11.00am 10.40am  11.00am 11.00am 11.00am
Te Ara Ako   11.00-11.35am      
Period 3 11.30am 11.35am 11.30am 11.30am 11.30am
Period 4 12.30pm 12.35pm  12.30pm  12.30pm  12.30pm 
Lunch 1.30 - 2.15pm 1.35 - 2.15pm 1.30 - 2.15pm 1.30 - 2.15pm  1.30 - 2.15pm
Period 5 2.15-3.15pm 2.15-3.15pm 2.15-3.15pm 2.15-3.15pm 2.15-3.15pm

Canteen Menu

View menu


You can conveniently order and pay for your lunch online.
Simply click the button below to place your order and make a payment.
Lunch order

TGC Uniform




Every student attending Tauranga Girls’ College agrees on enrolment to wear the uniform fully and correctly. The manner in which our students present themselves for daily work reflects their sense of pride. To maintain personal status and high standards for our College, it is important that all our students are well presented.

Uniform Transition in 2025

The uniform is not changing in 2025 only the Logo. To ensure a smooth transition, we’ve implemented a phased approach:

Current Logo Uniform: The current logo will remain in use until the end of 2026.

New Logo Uniform: New logo uniform items will be available for purchase from the end of December 2024.

Uniform Transition:

  • All new students in 2025 are expected to wear the new uniform if purchasing new items.
  • Existing students can continue wearing the old uniform until the end of 2026. (We will update you if there are any changes to this timeline).


Stockists: (Clothing):

Lenco Uniform Online Shop


NZ Uniforms

  • nzuniforms.com
  • 94 Elizabeth Street, Tauranga

  • Phone: 07 985 6213

  • Shop Hours:
    Monday to Friday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
    Saturday: 9:00am - 4:00pm
    Sunday: Closed


 Year 13 - Shirt Embroidery

  • $12 per shirt at:
  • Robyn's Cottage. 147 Chadwick Road, Greerton (next to Pizza Hutt)
  • Phone: 0274 224 322

Open Monday to Friday

Stockists (Footwear):

Number 1 Shoe Warehouse
The Warehouse


OPEN .pdf
Open .pdf: click here





Years 9-11 Navy blue / mid blue check polyester pleated skirt. Knee length.

Years 12-13 Navy blue - polyester pleated skirt. Knee length.


The TGC navy uniform Lavalava can be ordered from the Lenco Uniform Shop (please allow time as these are made to order).


TGC navy uniform trousers with embroidery 


TGC navy shorts with embroidery (Lenco Online is the only supplier)


TGC white blouse with blue striped collar with embroidery
(Students may wear a white long-sleeved top under the blouse)


Jersey or Micro-fleece

TGC navy blue, striped V-neck woolen jersey OR TGC navy blue zip front fleece, both with embroidery.


TGC navy jacket with embroidery or the TGC blazer



Black polishable leather lace-up school shoes with white ankle socks OR black pantyhose
OR blue or black Roman Sandals in summer

(flat sole ballet type lace-up shoes are not acceptable).




Bucket Hat

TGC bucket hats can be purchased from the Lenco Uniform Shop and are only for use outdoors.


Tights (Winter terms only)

Black tights are permitted to be worn during winter terms 2 and 3.



Navy Blue or Black


Business shirt and TGC tie.


Jewellery is permitted to be worn provided that it is not obvious or offensive and does not pose a safety hazard.

No dangly or sharp jewellery.

All jewellery worn is at the students risk and responsibility.

All necklaces must be able to fit under the school shirt if required.

One discreet facial piercing is permitted.

Learning areas will outline specific requirements for health & safety.

A taonga is allowed to be worn.


Our uniform code includes the wearing of natural hair colour only.  Non-natural colours that are vivid non-natural shades such as blue, purple, pink and orange, whether whole of the head, tips, highlights or strands are non-uniform and not acceptable at school.



No nail polish, including acrylic or gel nails.




Bus Information



Rural Buses

The Tauranga Transport Network Group (TTNG) manage the transport for our Rural students.



To be eligible to ride on the school bus your family needs to live beyond the limits of the Regional Council’s Schoolhopper bus service.
Most of these buses are free, however, if you live west of the Wairoa River (that means heading towards Katikati ) then your bus is a ‘fare-paying’ bus. This needs to be paid from the website below.



The TTNG has launched a new bus pass system from 2002 onwards.

All Rural Bus students will need a bus pass to access the service.
Bus passes can be ordered from the TTNG website.
Order Rural Bus Pass


Ordered bus passes will be issued to students at school once the bus pass is ready. Bus Routes for TGC are: R1, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8, R9, R10, R11, R12, R13, R16, R17, R18, R20, R23

Latest information about buses for students

March 2022

  • All students must wear a mask to access any bus
  • Both school bus services are experiencing lower numbers due to whānau self-isolating so please ensure students are at the designated bus stop route a good 10 minutes earlier than normally scheduled.


Bay Hopper Dedicated school bus services will operate without restrictions during Alert Level Red. Parents and carers are encouraged to continuously check the website for any changes. www.baybus.co.nz.

Rural buses provided by Tauranga Transport Network will continue to run but parents and carers are advised to check the website for changes or cancellations. https://schooltransport.org.nz

For students travelling on public transport there are some limitations (Urban Hopper buses).

  • Reduced services are now in place
  • Most bus services are now running on Saturday timetables due to COVID-19 impacts
  • All information and updates will be posted to the Baybus website under Latest News https://www.baybus.co.nz/latest-updates/latest-news/ Please check the BayHopper bus information regularly for any further updates. If you cannot find the information you need on their website their call centres are open and customers can speak to them by calling 0800 4 BAY BUS (0800 4 229 287).

Any queries about the services should be directed to the two service suppliers listed above as they run the services not Tauranga Girls' College. We will endeavour to update parents of any changes when we receive them. Be assured we are seeking as much information as we can to support you and your pupil.



Student Absentees


To report a student's absence from school please contact the office or complete the absence form below. Absences can also be reported via our TGC app.



  • Please state the reason for the absence, and for an extended period of time state the dates.

  • Students who are sick during the day, or who are injured while at school, are attended to in the Health Centre. Students who wish to visit the centre during classes must have a signed slip from their teacher.

  • If a student is too ill to return to class, their parents will be notified to make arrangements for their daughter or young person to be collected.

  • A student may not go home when sick without permission. A student is to not phone or text their whānau directly, they must go through the Health Centre and the school will contact their whānau. Please keep your contact details up to date.

  • When a student has reached 5 days of unjustified absence in one term the whānau will be advised. Reasons that are considered unjustified absence include:
  1. A holiday, whether within New Zealand or overseas. These should be planned outside term time.
  2. Events like a birthday or a special day’s shopping are not considered valid reasons for being away from school.
  3. With many parents working full time it can be difficult when younger family members are unwell. Asking your older sibling to babysit a younger sibling takes them away from their learning.

School Payment Details


Bank Account Details

The college bank account number is 12-3194-0032601-00.

As reference, please quote the student's name and if possible, what payment is for.  Additional details of payment can be emailed to [email protected]


Donations Scheme and what it means for families

Tauranga Girls’ College have opted into the Ministry of Education's School Donations Scheme for the 2020 year.

This decision has been made in line with the school’s first emergent strategic intent of Flexible Student-centred Learning. Learning is designed to include opportunities where every student is encouraged to explore, challenge and innovate so that they may thrive now and move forward with confidence. The Board considers the reduction in costs to parents a likely contributor to increased student participation in the rich learning opportunities the school offers.

While the $150 per student offered under the Ministry’s scheme will not cover fully the cost of the opportunities provided to our students, the scheme gives the Board the opportunity to review our community funding sources and reduce the burden on families. It is the Board’s expectation that we will maintain the current learning offering to our students.

The Board acknowledges the scheme is likely to incur a financial cost to the school. Although it is impossible to quantify exactly the cost of this scheme the Board endeavours to underwrite the financial cost to enable the school to trial the scheme for the first year without impacting on the rich learning opportunities afforded to our students. Any voluntary donation that you make will of course assist us and we thank you for your commitment to our school by doing this.

The actual cost of the scheme will be able to be quantified before the decision for the 2021 year needs to be made.

Yvonne Handley,
Chair - Tauranga Girls' College Board of Trustees


You will note that because we have opted into the donations scheme a fees list does not exist but some costs will still need to be paid under this scheme. Some curriculum items have been clarified below. Note that extra-curricular activity costs such as sport, will still incur costs and will be charged to families.

  • Printing – all students will be credited with $3 to their printing account at no cost to the student. From the historical information we have we believe this should cover students’ printing requirements for the year, with the exception of some subject areas that have a traditionally higher print cost, students in these areas will be given an extra credit amount. Please note, it is the responsibility of the student to be efficient in the use of this balance.
  • Workbooks – where workbooks are part of the curriculum, the student will have the option to buy a write on workbook which they will keep. If the student does not wish to purchase a workbook to write in, there will be an option to receive a workbook that will be returned to the teacher at the end of the year or unit of work, not written in so they are available for other students to use.
  • Software resources – these will be provided by the school while the student is at school. If a student chooses to load and use software on their own devices for home, there will be a charge.
  • Curriculum Day trips – these will now be paid for by the school e.g. Bio trip to Maketu
  • Overnight trips – we will ask for a contribution to the cost of these trips.
  • Food – there will be no charge for food for food technology and hospitality classes.
  • Art, Textiles and Hard Materials – there will be a charge for the materials used for projects as the item is made to take home.
