Academic Excellence


Pergo et Perago - Strive & Achieve - Ma te Kaha e taea ai


Tauranga Girls’ College is a place where students can be adventurous, creative, free-spirited and passionate about learning. We provide an environment where each student is encouraged to strive for individual excellence in all that they do.

Tauranga Girls’ College has a range of subjects and challenging educational experiences designed to meet and extend the needs of students. Our students constantly perform admirably when compared with national averages and excel in NCEA gaining outstanding results at all levels, including scholarships. Every opportunity is taken to give students real-world experiences and hands-on tasks as part of their learning. Staff expect all students to extend themselves to reach their full potential and provide an environment where students are not afraid to challenge the status quo.


Whaia ki tō Aro Ako - Our TGC learning model


As a kura, we are committed to empowering every learner to make a positive impact.

Learning can be hard but is always rewarding. Whaia ki tō Aro Ako shows this. It shows everyone that there are challenges and these can be difficult but we can step up and out of these. More importantly, Whaia ki tō Aro Ako helps us all understand we need to plan to learn and that there are steps we can take and support we can ask for.




This beautiful image, created by one of our current Year 13 students Zoe Samson, is in all our classrooms. Kaiako (teachers) will be starting to have conversations with learners about how learning looks and feels; where they are on their journey and what they think they might do next to keep moving forward and UP!

We’d love for you to have some of these conversations at home too. Why don’t you print a copy of Whaia ki tō Aro Ako at home. You can be asking some of these questions about the learning of your young person.

  • Tell me about something you learned today. Why is it important to learn that?
  • What learning are you proud of today?
  • Was there anything hard about your learning today?
  • What did you do when it was hard? Who helped you?
  • Now that you’ve learned that, what’s next?

When you come along to our Te Ara Ako Learning Conversations, look out for our learning model and share with our kaiako how your conversations have been going at home.

Print poster

Environment for Learning


Designed to Support Learning


Nestled in a residential suburb Tauranga Girls' College is a campus with a remarkable hidden sense of space and tranquility, enhanced by mature trees, cared for grounds and well-equipped learning and teaching areas.

Learning spaces within the College are specifically designed to support learning. Spacious classrooms are wifi equipped, digital devices support collaboration and continuous learning beyond the classroom. We have a high caliber of highly qualified and passionate teachers. 

There are many other facilities available to students on campus.

  • International Student Centre
  • Te Whare Wānanga o Mereaira
  • Drama studios
  • Dance Studio
  • Media equipment for Journalism, Art and Television production
  • Keyboard music laboratory with listening posts and recording studio
  • Digital photography, ceramics bay and pottery kiln
  • Multimedia studio
  • Technology and Design workshop with access to electronic and CAD technology
  • A multi-resource library, network, internet link, computers, senior study facilities, private reading areas, careers information centre
  • 'Te Manawa' is a dedicated space for supporting students with academic and socio-emotional needs.
  • Computer laboratories with intranet and internet
  • Web based Careers Programme
  • Health Centre with a part time registered nurse and first aid officer in attendance
  • Envirohub

Inclusive Learning Support


Tauranga Girls' College provides an inclusive, mainstream education environment for students, which means that a student will work in classes alongside her peers, with individualised adaptations as necessary. We encourage students to participate in the full range of school activities, while recognising the particular needs of each individual student. It is our goal that all students will have the opportunity to experience a range of academic and practical subjects, with flexible learning programmes that cater to individual student learning needs and interests.


Te Manawa the learning support centre is a centrally located facility that provides a support base for students with a variety of academic and socio-emotional learning needs, such as dyslexia, Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD), cerebral palsy, Down Syndrome, and mental health.

A range of support and programmes are available right through to individualised student programmes, including university and industry focused distance learning courses, Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu (NZ correspondence school) and the Flexi-Learn and South Pacific Educational Courses (SPEC) programmes.  


The college works closely with a number of community-based agencies to provide a cohesive, holistic programme, including the Northern Health School (NHS); Ministry of Education (MOE) specialists; Maternal, Infant, Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service (MICAMHS); and Resource Teachers of Learning & Behaviour (RTLB).

All students work towards nationally recognised qualifications, i.e. the National Certificate in Educational Achievement (NCEA), industry-focused National Certificates, or the New Zealand Certificate in Skills for Living - Supported Learners.

The Learning Support department is also actively involved in testing and assessment for students, who may qualify for Special Assessment Conditions (SAC) for NCEA assessments. Further information is available on the NZQA website and testing can be arranged via your daughter’s year-level dean.

Parents are advised to indicate any specific learning needs at enrolment to ensure a smooth transition into the college.


Learning Support Documents



OPEN .pdf
Open .pdf: click here



Our Curriculum


Subject Flow

View the full list of subjects available at Tauranga Girls' College from Year 9 through to Year 13.





Help with subject choices

Detailed information about all the subjects available at TGC for Year 9.                          



Curriculum Guide 

Information about all subjects offered at Tauranga Girls’ College from Years 10 to 13.

Curriculum Guide 2024

Curriculum Guide 2025

School Exchanges


New Zealand-Switzerland Exchange

The annual exchange to French speaking Switzerland allows students of French to experience life with a French speaking Swiss family for a period of eight weeks and at a relatively low cost. It is a twin exchange, where the Swiss student spends eight weeks with the family in New Zealand.
Visit the website for further information: