International @TGC


Welcome, and congratulations for considering Tauranga Girls’ College as the place where your daughter ‘can be whatever she wants it to be’. Choosing the right school for your daughter is a life-changing decision and we are sure that we can provide the optimal learning experience and environment that your daughter is looking for.



TGC provides a wide range of subjects and activities to develop the girls’ confidence and leadership skills. Academic results are consistently above the national average, and we are proud of the number of students who experience national and international success in a wide range of sporting and cultural fields.




Our school is located in the city of Tauranga in the beautiful Bay of Plenty on the east coast of the North Island of New Zealand. With a population of approximately 130,000 it is the fastest growing city in NZ. The Bay of Plenty is famous for its sun, beaches and horticulture. Tauranga provides an excellent balance between large city facilities and the more relaxed lifestyle found in provincial NZ. It is just two and half hours by car, or 30 minutes flying from Auckland, International Airport.













What can you expect from Tauranga Girls' College?

  • Highly qualified, supportive teachers, dedicated to helping all students achieve their potential.
  • An environment equipped with the latest educational facilities and IT infrastructure that caters for students in the 21st century and beyond.
  • An International Facility comprising of a student centre, ESOL classrooms and offices.
  • Support for international students through an ESOL programme and in-class assistance, along with caring classroom teachers
  • Musical and sporting opportunities: individual and class tuition, instrumental groups, award winning bands and choirs: a variety of sports available for beginners and for top sportswomen
  • Quality homestays that are superior, with full board provided by the host family.

Directors Message

Welcome to Tauranga Girls’ College, the school of choice. TGC provides an environment that allows everyone to succeed, whether that's academic, sporting or cultural. The range of subjects and challenging learning experiences are designed to meet and extend the needs of your daughter. Academic results are consistently above the national average, and we are proud of the number of students who experience national and international success in a wide range of sporting and cultural fields.

Choosing the right school for your daughter is a life-changing decision and we look forward to encouraging and providing support to ensure that each student who comes to us has a successful and rewarding experience while at the college and in New Zealand.

Our International staff are here to help and support you throughout your time in New Zealand. We would love to discuss with you the opportunities that Tauranga Girls’ College can offer to international students, both short-term and long-term.

Ngā mihi nui

Simon Wheatley | International Director
Kaiwhakahaere o Ngā Tauira o te Ao


Enquire or Apply Now

Int director.png 



Become a Homestay Host


Are you interested in hosting an international student at Tauranga Girls' College?
It is an enriching experience and a great way to enjoy learning about a new culture.
To apply to become a homestay host, you will be required to:

  • Complete the application form
  • Undergo a police check (for all those 18yrs and over who live at the family home)

For further information, please contact Courtney Wood. [email protected]

Apply Now

International Documents


AEAS Testing is a requirement for International Students intending to study at Tauranga Girls' College for one year or more.

International applicants, for whom English is a second language, must sit an entrance test administered by AEAS. AEAS test results provide detail regarding the students English language proficiency and their general ability. The AEAS Report will be considered alongside other information provided by the family when reviewing the student's application.

AEAS Testing is available around the world, and students can register online. Alternatively, your agent will be able to assist you with the registration process. A copy of the student's AEAS Report must be included with enrolment applications.

For further information about AEAS testing and to register, please click here or email [email protected]




Travelling Forms


For overnight stays 

Out of town travel



OPEN .pdf
Open .pdf: click here
Open .pdf: click here


Contact Us


Simon Wheatley 
International Director
P: +64 (0) 7 578 8114 (ext. 2176)
E: [email protected]


Karen Wallace
Homestay Manager
P: + 64 (0) 7 578 8114 (ext. 2168)
E: [email protected]

Out of hours emergency contact
027 273 7481