Introducing our 2021 Sports Prefects:
The Sports committee aims to encourage and promote sport for all. It does this via it's two sub-committees: Social Engagement and Athlete Development.
The Social Engagement team aims to encouraging maximum participation in organised sports events by create a welcoming environment for all students.
The Athlete Development team aims to provide appropriate the resources/environment to allow our athletes to perform to the best of their ability aswell as acknowledge the success of athletes not only within the school but in the wider community.
- Athlete Development - Sarah-Jane Stone and Ella Lankshear
- Social Engagement - Natalie Gander and Bethan Adkins
Back row: Natalie Gander (Social Engagement prefect), Sarah-Jane Stone (Athlete Development prefect), Bethan Adkins (Social Engagement prefect)
Front Row: Charlotte Webb (Deputy Head Girl Sport), Ella Lankshear (Athlete Development prefect)